In this study, we used Tungsten Carbide Inserts Manufacturers to coat cemented tungsten carbide inserts with carbon. The deposited nanocarbons were either adherent carbides or multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCN). Both types of inserts were found to exhibit low coefficient of friction and excellent machinability. The hardness of the WC substrate was also compared before and after the coating. We also examined the CVD-generated nanocarbons using SEM, FE-SEM, and TEM.
The high temperatures and process forces cause early tool wear. The hardest known material is diamond. The second hardest is cubic boron nitride (CBN). Diamond tools cannot be used for cutting steel materials. However, there are indexable inserts available that feature CBN coating. cBN is an expensive material and requires a number of work procedures.
Surface roughness and tool life have been closely linked. Hard machining with carbide inserts provides numerous technoeconomic benefits, including reduced temperature and increased tool life. The low intensity of tool wear also contributes to reduced production costs. Tungsten carbide inserts have many advantages. If you are considering using carbide cutting tools, you should consider these benefits.

Tungsten carbide is the excellent seal face material in the seal material world. It has high-polished, great wear-resistance, extremely high toughness and corrosion-resistance. Leap Industry can provide Tungsten Carbide(cobalt bonded) and Tungsten Carbide(nickel bonded). All the rings which out diameter from 8mm to 400mm is doable.